Using Sport to Promote Human Rights

07 August 2018

The UN Social Forum is hosting a three day meeting in October 2018 in Palais des Nations in Geneva to advance the issue of sports and human rights.

Convened by the Human Rights Council, the Social Forum is a unique space for civil society, Member States and intergovernmental organisations to coordinate efforts on key human rights issues. This year’s annual meeting will focus on sport and human rights and will explore:

“the possibilities of using sport and the Olympic ideal to promote human rights for all and to strengthen universal respect for them.”

Sport is a universal language with the potential to bring people together and empower vulnerable groups. As a Forum of NHRIs, we recognise the power of sport in addressing discrimination and promoting human rights. You can read our commitments to Sport and Human Rights in our London Declaration 2018.

The Social Forum meeting on 1st – 3rd October is an opportunity for all human rights actors to join a coordinated effort in promoting and strengthening human rights through sport. Click here to find out more about this event and here for registration. Registration closes 14th September 2018

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