Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative launches anti-slavery network

30 July 2019

Marking the World Day against Trafficking in Persons, the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) has launched a new anti-slavery network, Commonwealth 8.7.

Modern slavery disproportionately affects Commonwealth nations. To combat this, over 60 civil society organisations will work together to push for greater action across the Commonwealth in eradicating modern slavery and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8.7.

Francisca Awah Mbuli of the Survivors’ Network of Cameroon is a member of the network’s Management Committee, and highlights the need for a collaborative approach to implementing SDG 8.7:

Partnerships are a vitally important tool to counter trafficking in persons and all its associated ills across our Commonwealth

CHRI plays a leading role in advancing SDG 8.7 in the Commonwealth, receiving the Commonwealth Secretary-General’s Innovation for Sustainable Development award in 2019. The new Commonwealth 8.7 Network is spearheaded by CHRI, and builds on the extensive research the charity has undertaken into modern slavery in the Commonwealth. The aim is for the new network to facilitate a coordinated approach to eradicating contemporary slavery across the Commonwealth.

“End the violence, stop human slavery now. Humans are not objects to be trafficked they are valuable beings” Anne Pakoa, Vanuatu Human Rights Coalition, Commonwealth 8.7 Management Committee

You can find out more about Commonwealth 8.7 on their new website and access CHRI’s research on modern slavery here.

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